7 Sure Tips to Increase Your Marketing Efforts The universal goal of every business is to sell their goods and services. The way to achieve this is by positioning the business before a target audience and offering something that solves their problem, or meet a need that can’t be met elsewhere. It is why one […]
Author: Biraju Shah
Here’s What Google Wants You to Know about Its Mobile First Index
Here’s What Google Wants You to Know about Its Mobile First Index It is no news how the explosion of mobile phones has influenced our internet usage today. From communication, to online shopping and research behaviour, there is an ongoing revolution that is bound to continue well into the future. There are currently 4.77 billion […]
A Practical Guide to Getting your Website Rank in the Search Engines
A Practical Guide to Getting your Website Rank in the Search Engines Getting top ranking in the search engines is something to celebrate. Studies have shown that web addresses on the first page of a search result from Google usually receives about 95% of web traffic going to their sites, while the other pages after […]
8 E-Commerce Practices to Make Customers Love Your Website
8 E-Commerce Practices to Make Customers Love Your Website I get exhausted moving from one store to the next, trying things on, and making up my mind on whether I want them or not. The popularity of e-commerce has reduced all that energy drain for me. Nowadays, all it takes is logging into my favourite […]
10 Tips on How to Plan and Implement a Successful Social Media Marketing
Tips on How to Plan and Implement a Successful Social Media Marketing Social media remains an integral part of the overall digital marketing strategy for brands and businesses. When used correctly, you can create a strong bond between your website and your current website visitors, while attracting new ones. However, many people approach social media […]
Top 90 Social Networking Media Websites
Get to know the top social networking websites to socialize with your friends, family and also increase expand your business by networking with business owners Social networking plays a huge role in business promotion, if properly promoted, you can receive unbelievable amount of traffic and sales from social networks. There are a lot of benefits […]
13 Steps to Successful Online Business
With growing number of websites, businesses getting online, big funded websites, it looks very difficult to gain some existence online for a new online venture. The online industry has a lot to offer to everyone, working on the right steps will undoubtedly bring a positive outcome. There are a lot of things you can do to […]
How to Get Noticed by Google
If you want your site to get noticed by Google, you have to abide by their rules. Ever since the Panda and Penguin updates of 2011, many old SEO techniques were suddenly punished by Google. Lots of site owners gave up their entire businesses while others worked hard to get back into Google’s good graces. […]
How to win the search engine traffic War
Is it really possible to beat the search engine traffic war? I have been into search engine marketing since almost 13 years now. The search engine ranking and traffic scenario has changed dramatically. with billions of new websites in all these years, smarter search engines, easy ranking and easy traffic is a thing of past. […]
Importance of social sharing in an online business
Through the years the definitions and methods to online business marketing have changed drastically. Many of the old traditional methods are outdated today with very minimal or no effect on the promotion of your business. In the recent years, end user involvement based on sharing through videos, pictures, posts have increased drastically. A Video or […]