Email marketing is still the most effective way to reach up to your prospects. You have got a prospect list and now you want to email them with your offers, newsletters, deals, discounts etc. Listed below are the points you should consider to create an impact on your users to get the most conversions. 1.Use […]
Author: Biraju Shah
5 Ways To Boost Your Facebook Likes And Engagement
Youngsters spend plenty of their time on Facebook, regularly receive updates from their beloved businesses, services and products etc and for that reason order the product while at the same time if satisfied with the merchandise recommend and share the page with their friends as well – thereby increasing the offering’s popularity. Avoid posts that […]
Importance of video presentation in business
The way any business is presented to its audiences carries the maximum weight age in the overall success of the venture. With millions of businesses getting online everyday, competition is just a click away. You only get a few seconds to impress your visitor and get them glued to your website. Though you might be […]
10 Definite ways to Light up your sales
SALES, the core purpose of a business website. Some changes, ideas & its implementation will turn your website into a cash machine. Check out the 10 points which will guarantee improvement in your SALES FIGURES. Specialize your product or services. Giving something different than others is the way to go. Sell at a cheaper price […]
Free web submission, still an attraction!
Search engine submission still holds its importance, though its usability is being questioned after evolution of search engines like google which do not typically require your website to be submitted to it. Though Google is an undisputed king of all the search engines today, there are still many more search engines and directories available for […]
Tips to get a website designed for cheap.
I need a website for my business or to start a new business but I do not wish to spend a lot on my website or I do not have enough budget to spend on a website design. If you are facing the above, this post will help you get a website designed at a […]
What is a responsive website, do i need it?
What is a responsive website? In simple words, a website which is compatible to all devices and adapts its layout, menu, images etc according to the device it is viewed in is a responsive website. With smart devices becoming rapidly used, it has become imperative for all the websites to be responsively designed. It is […]
6 Proven tips to build your email list
Email Marketing, still a very powerful way to be in touch with your subscribers. A very effective mode of communication with maximum ROI. Building a mailinglist is not an overnight task, but trust me the patience will pay. Here are a few tips to build a successful mailinglist. First and the foremost is, Start it […]
What are backlinks and why they are important?
Backlinks..Backlinks..Backlinks.. We have heard it so many times now. What exactly is a backlink? In simple words, a backlink is a virtual referral. Its the same as a physical referral but in a digital form. One website places a link to other website with a view to provide a useful resource for its visitors. For […]
What is SEO?
Seo word is a synonym of search engines in today’s ultra intelligent search engines scenario. The term Seo has shifted meanings and methods over the evolution of search engines. The methods have changed as against the past days when a few changes in the meta tags and page moved the rankings higher.SEO now has a very […]